Hey peoples. This is just some basic stuff bout me.
Hey, My name is John if you havent guessed by now. Oh side note: (if u think Im dumb cuz half the stuff isnt spelled correctly well ur wrong I just dont like typing so it means whatever it sounds like.) I live in Tampa FL.Im like 5'11 I think. 15 yrs old. I know I know crappy age to be :(
About me really, I dunno I cant really say about myself. Like some people say theyre an outgoing person etc. I cant really do that, I know some people say im wierd, some think im funny, some think im annoying lol. But Im just myself at all times. I am Christian I do believe in God and the devil and Heaven and Hell. And I try my best. 
Cool car hunh? Its not mine. Yet again another Tripod thingy. |